Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Break!

This week at school we only have Monday and Tuesday of teaching then the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving Break. In my classes I am going to start the introduction to my nutrition lessons and start to talk about the different food groups. I am going to discuss the food that we eat during our Thanksgiving meal and how they are either healthy or unhealthy for our bodies. An example of this will go something like this: What is the main course in our Thanksgiving meal? Student: Turkey! Teacher: That's right, what food group is turkey in? Meat and beans. What does turkey give our bodies? Protein! I will discuss how it is important to eat balanced meals with vegetables, grains, and dairy. Thanksgiving is a great example of eating a balanced meal because of all the different types of food that is served.

You can find this picture at:

We are now getting into the holiday season! After Thanksgiving it will be the first week in December and then we have winter break at the end of the month. The school year is absolutely flying by for me. With graduate work to complete as well as lesson plans, my busy schedule has made the time fly by. Christmas is always a very pleasant time to spend with friends and family and I am once again looking forward very much to the holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Nick,

    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday - it just seems that friends and family are at the center of the celebration instead of so much focus on gift giving.

    Dr. Lorenzo
