Sunday, November 29, 2009

Personal & Social Responsibility Model

I think that this is my second favorite instructional model presented by Metzler. As an elementary PE teacher, my favorite model is the Peer Teaching "I teach you, then you teach me". This model is very similar in many ways. As Meaghan and I described, the first domain priority that we agreed upon is the affective domain in the Peer Teaching Model. It is the same for the Personal and Social Responsibility Model, which enforces students to individually take part and "hold their own" with respecting and cooperating with others. These two instructional models are very diverse and are highly recommended for only effective teachers who clearly understand how to implement the model successfully. They can both be highly successful at the elementary level as well as the middle and high school as well. I really like this model because we are now focusing on teaching our students how to be respectful and cooperative individuals. We teach them what they need to do to successfully communicate with each other at an efficient way. As teachers, we are now focusing on how the affective and cognitive domains more so than the psychomotor. I really enjoy teaching these lessons because we are developing our students to be successful students! I am very excited about Lewis' and Virginia's presentation on Tuesday! Good luck !

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