Sunday, October 18, 2009

Teaching Teamwork in my Tossing Unit

I am now entering the manipulative unit of the toss for my K-2nd grades and the underhand throw for my 3rd-5th grades. During this unit students will learn the proper techniques of the toss and underhand throw by using the key points. They will also continue to practice the catch, that they have learned during the last unit. Students first start out by tossing a bean bag up in the air and catching it with two hands, then progressively once students start to become comfortable and are ready to move on, they will toss the bean bag into a hula hoop. Continuing with the developmentally appropriate progression, they will start to toss a bean bag back and forth with a partner, then lastly they will toss/underhand throw in a star passing game.

You can find this picture at:

This is when I introduce the important of teamwork. I define teamwork by: A cooperative effort by the members of a group to achieve a common goal. I have a display in my gym of the Boston Celtics when they won the NBA Championship a couple of years ago. I explain how they all worked individually for the entire team and that is why they were so successful. I then relate sports teams to individual classes in our school. I explain and give examples that their class is very similar to a sports team because they are a group who needs to do their individual best so their class is successful. They need to focus about what they are doing and give their own best effort, so there class is successful.

When they are placed in partners and then in groups of 5, I explain and demonstrate the importance of communication and respect with their classmates. Being good listeners and discussing techniques, instead of ignoring and not listening, or disagreeing and being rude to their classmates. During our class discussion at the end, we discuss ways that they displayed good teamwork and then we also discuss ways that we need to improve so we can be more successful in group situations!

You can find this picture at:

1 comment:

  1. Nick,

    You are passing along not only your work ethic to your students, but how you became a successful teacher - through hard work, communication and the gains that you made from being a member of a "team" throughout your life.

    Dr. Lorenzo
