Monday, October 26, 2009

Peer Teaching

"I teach you, you teach Me!"

Peer teaching can be a powerful teaching skill that is used in the gym. It gives the students a great responsibility and "more power" during class. It is very important that the teachers always set clear expectations for the tutors (students who will be doing the teaching). Teaching the tutors how to be "effective teachers" is a critical role in this process. The tutors need to understand how to "teach" the other students, so they will be successful.

This picture can be found at:

Once the tutors understand their role, then the learners need to properly do their job as well. The learners need to take this strategy very seriously, because it can be easy to get silly while working with your peers. A very important part of this process is always assessing both the tutors and learners. This will remind both parties that this is an important role they are participating in and they need to pay attention.

This picture can be found at:

When you are creating partners for this teaching strategy it is OK to pair a highly skilled student with a low skilled student. This gives both students a chance to learn from each other, and become better listeners and cooperative students. When the tutors and learners switch roles, you do not have to change the learning activity because both parties already know what to expect. Now, they lower skilled student will be able to "follow" the higher skilled students lead, even though they are not exactly confident with their skills.

Peer teaching a very structured learning environment with students having specific roles and duties. Monitoring students to stay on task will be very important, and using your assessment will define the students expectations and keep them focused through out the lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Nick,

    And...just like a skill - this needs to be modeled and explained completely before the students are actually involved...

    Dr. Lorenzo
