Sunday, December 6, 2009

1st week of Officiating

This was the first weekend of officiating Suburban basketball games for the 2009-2010 season. I first had to complete my floor training on Friday night as I refereed 3 games in a row. I learned so much from the other officials that were there, as they helped me during time outs and the halftimes. After my first game I became much more comfortable and it started to come more naturally to me. So on Saturday I was ready for my first paying games. I did 2 games in Granby with my father, who is also a referee. They went really well and we had a lot of fun with the kids. Today I did 2 games with my uncle in Amherst, and I learned a lot from him who is a veteran referee who does High School games. This a perfect side job for me during the different seasons, but I can tell you that refereeing soccer is much, much easier than basketball! I am slowly learning the proper mechanics and hope that by the end of this season, I will have had plenty of experience and have great confidence to do High School games next year. I still have a lot to learn but I hope to learn quick and be a good and fair official!

You can find this picture at

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