Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pop Culture event

Are you ready to move on? Michael Jackson is gone, buried and is not coming back. He is the King of Pop and always will be. Everyone has their own way to remember Mr. Jackson, and mine is a good memory. I have his video thriller downloaded on my computer, and it is one of my all time favorites. As a memory of him, I am playing his songs for warm up activities and other games in my classes. It is so funny to watch my students try to do the moon walk, actually some are really good at it! His dancing and performing will go down as some of the greatest of all time, but now, I believe that it is time to move on.

At the end of Michael's career, it has been suspected that his doctor killed him with an overdose of pain medication. I believe that this is information for his family and friends to pursue and investigate, not you or I. I think we should let the man rest in peace, and even though he had many faults in his life, doesn't everyone?

I want to share the video with you, and hopefully you will remember him the same way I do!

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